Collection, relocation, safety, and emergency procedures.

San Diego Zoo Global Academy's Rattlesnake Safety course has two equally important lessons, each approximately 40 minutes long.

The first lesson focuses on rattlesnake collection and relocation. Featured are facts about rattlesnake biology, behavior and identification. Followed by a review of rattlesnake collection tools and required personal protective equipment (PPE). The first lesson concludes with a demonstration of the safe collection and relocation of a rattlesnake using the safest possible techniques and the most advanced rattlesnake containment and release box available.

The second lesson focuses on safety protocols and emergency procedures in the event of an actual envenomation by a rattlesnake. The training begins with an exploration of the two primary types of snake venom, the function, and how each affects the victim's biology. In the event of envenomation, a list of important Do's and Don'ts is also presented.


Safe Rattlesnake Capture and Relocation

The following video is a component of the Academy's online staff training program for the safe collection and release of rattlesnakes. The video case study demonstrates personal protective gear, proper handling technique, and the operation of a unique, patent pending venomous snake transport box. For more information about our online rattlesnake safety training courses and/or purchase of the patent pending rattlesnake collection and relocation box, please fill in the form below and we will contact you.

Rattlesnake Collection and Relocation Box

Our patent-pending box was designed to conform to these standards:

  • Lockable
  • Escape-proof
  • Stainless steel and brass components.
  • ABS & polycarbonate plastic construction which does not deteriorate with exposure to UV rays or chemical disinfectants.
  • Allows a clear view of the contents.
  • Labeled with species contained
  • Labeled with an indication of alive/dead
  • Inaccessible to unauthorized parties
  • Approved by the authorizing staff
  • Can be inspected for integrity before each use


For more information about these trainings, please fill out the form below.